Frequently Asked QUESTIONS

our answers

Do I need to book classes in advance? 
We strongly recommend that you book any classes in which you which to take place during your trip in advance, no matter the period of your visit (even when it is not the school holiday period) 
You can do this on our website, by either booking directly online if you wish to pay using card, or by downloading the booking form and sending it to us by email or by post, if you would prefer to pay using cheque, holiday vouchers or sports coupons. 

Which types of payments do you accept?
We accept payments in the form of card, cheque, holiday vouchers, sports coupons and cash. 

Is skiing equipment included in the price of ESF classes? 
No, the price of the class does not include the renting of equipment. You must arrange to rent this before your first class. 

Is the Carré Neige insurance obligatory?
We strongly recommend that you take out insurance with Carré Neige for your stay in Le Courbier. This insurance in particular is specialised in winter sports, and will provide you with all the necessary guarantee and cover in case of an accident during and outside of your classes. 
You can find more information on the « Insurance » page.  

Do I need to get a lift pass for the skiing lessons? 
Lift passes are not included in the price of the lessons.
No lift pass is required for the Club Piou Piou.
However, starting from 5 years old, you must buy a lift pass depending on the level of your child/teenager, or your own level. For more information, you can visit "Choose my ski pass".

How do the group classes work?
Group classes take place between Sunday and Friday. The meeting point is outside the Tourist Office for children 5 years and older as well as for the adults. 
The youngsters signed up for the Club Piou-Piou should go directly to the Kids Garden found in front of the Soyouz-Vanguard building.

How does the progression of levels and stars work? 
The progression of levels and stars takes place the last day of the class for those who have booked a week long session. For the children younger than 13 years old, the medal is included in the price, and will be given by the instructor at the end of the week. Signing up for the tests is free and is done automatically by the instructors for those older than 13 years. 

Do you have packages for ski lessons and daycare? 
We currently have 2 packages that allow this depending on the period. 
  • The PITCHOUNE Package: For children between 3 and less than 5 years old, combining ski lessons with the Club Piou-Piou and daycare (In the Kid's Garden chalet or at the Halte-Daycare).
  • La KIDS Package : For children between 5 and less than 13 years old. This package links the ski lessons with the Kids Club. 

Can I cancel the classes that I have booked in advance? 
When booking, you can sign up for cancellation insurance to protect you against unforeseen events prior to your stay (Up to one week in advance of your trip).
When reserving by post, you can sign up for the Carré Neige Insurance.
No refunds will be given in person if the classes are cancelled for reasons outside of the schools control. For more information, see  « General Conditions of Sale ».

Are students enrolled in lessons covered by insurance during their lesson?
Esf Le Corbier has Professional Civil Responsibility cover, which covers its clients for damages that they could cause to a thrid party during the time that they are under the authority of their instructor. 

ATTENTION ! This insurance however does not cover the following fees that fall under the responsibility of the client to pay in the case of an accident: Rescue fees, medical fees, damage or theft of skis, fee's for lifts not used etc. 
This is why, we at esf Le Corbier, recommend that you check that you are well covered by insurance regarding these events to allow you to enjoy their trip with peace of mind.